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Colours in Marketing – What Does the Colour Black Mean?

Black really is an awesome colour! Its usage covers the whole spread of human society, and it is also found in wondrous ways throughout nature.

What Does Black Mean?

In Western cultures, a very common use of black is in mourning, and it still is the dominant colour for funerals.

‘Black magic’ is an evocative term for describing the occult, which in turn means something which is hidden (hence ‘occult’ also being an astronomical term).

So, blackness easily lends itself to the idea of mystery.  

Black in Fashion…

In fashion, black exudes confidence, sophistication and elegance. For formal wear a black suit can give a feeling of power and professionalism. The classic ‘Little Black Dress’ is a timeless symbol of style.

Black is also a colour that contrasts dramatically with other colours and this is used within and also beyond the world of fashion. ‘It goes with everything’, and indeed, a black pair of jeans, or jumper, can easily sit next to the brightest red or the richest purple.

Black in Our World

Out and about we see black combined with other colours: from zebra crossings to yellow and black ‘do not cross’ tape. Information boards in train stations and airports always seem to have a black background, to allow the colour of the text to contrast well against it.

Black in Nature

In nature, of course, we see black ravens and crows and black bears, panthers and domesticated cats. Some famous species are black and white, such as zebras, penguins and pandas. And then there’s the classic black spider!

Oil, and coal and obsidian, the glass-like mineral – are all different shades of black. But the ultimate natural object, which inspires awe, and mystery, is the Black Hole, so called, because not even light may escape its enormous gravitational pull.

The closest black hole to Earth that has been discovered is Gaia BH1, which is considered, in cosmic terms, to be just around the corner from us. However it is 1,560 light years away, so I think we will be safe from it for a while!

Of course, in modern times, black has become a symbol of counter culture. In the 1960s, the ‘Black is Beautiful’ movement tried to counter pervading negative stereotypes in the USA and beyond, of black people. In recent times the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has flourished, in response to the continuing way people of colour are often still treated and considered as people of less importance.


The world of art has always tried to produce the best blues and reds and yellows, and in the case of black, the desire is to produce the ‘blackest black’.

The current contender isn’t a form of black that can be painted with a brush, but is a coating that must be applied to an object in a laboratory. Vantablack is an incredible black coating, that defies description. As can be seen in the attached image, the gold mask is shown with and without the Vantablack covering, and the coating results in something extraordinary – a surface which absorbs 99.96% of all light that falls on it, meaning that it is impossible to see the topography of the mask’s surface. In the other picture, the lab scientist is holding a bowl, coated with the black – it looks like someone has cut a hole out of the Universe!                                      

The colour is not without controversy – since it was first developed in 2014 by Surrey NanoSystems, there has been an agreement that the artist Anish Kapoor has exclusive rights to use it in art. This has led to complaints in the art world, and has even encouraged other research companies to develop their own versions.

Black Promotional Items

Back to the world of promotional merchandise, while I cannot offer the blackest black, items which are black, remain extremely popular. From notebooks to pens , and tote bags to clothing, black is the choice for many. This is often because it lends itself to a contrast print using the company’s house colour, but also it can stand on its own. A notebook in black, with a debossed logo (ie no colour applied at all) can look really smart and on-trend.                                                                                  

Many technological products, such as power banks, USBs, charging cables, and phone stands are often black, and with a chrome or gilt contrast, they can look very special. They fit in very well with the mobile phones, tablets and computers with which they are associated.                                      

Luxury brand pens also are usually gold, silver or black, which emphasises black’s link with prestige.

So, if you are looking for something which is predominantly black, then there will be a very extensive range to choose from. You may still need a professional like me to sift the choices down to a manageable number, based on questions we will have explored relevant to your target market, company personality and budget.